Monday, January 04, 2010

Generic Institutional Reasons

Resurrecting / Teaching / Society / NoHier / Deschool /
Institutional Purpose: Generic

All institutions have one prime purpose in common: to discourage the spread of ideas perceived to be incompatible with the perceived health of the institution.

2010 12 21 My censored distinguished theoretical purpose from actual purpose. The institutions' stated purpose is the obverse purpose: the head of the coin. Watch out for magical misdirection: the real purpose may not be the obverse purpose; the real purpose may be the inverse purpose: a hidden purpose. The Church says it's there to receive and transmit messages from God: did they get them all? Did they get them right? When will God declare the truth? Meantime, the gospels suggest that the Temple was there to block God's messages, not to transmit them! The state compels you to go to school, the cost skyrockets. Literacy, numeracy, slides down the toilet. Is the school really there to help you? Or have inverse purposes given the raspberry to the obverse purpose of the institution?

My contempt for school dates from my being dragged to kindergarten, my deschooling activism dates from 1970. My contempt for all civilized institutions developed in the wake of my deschooling activity. My results are near zero: I've never met a single individual that I judge understands a quorum amount of what Illich said, wrote, and published: or what I've said, written, and offered for publication as his follower-disciple-colleague. The above comment is made about institutions in general: it necessarily applies to schooling as well.

Reverse Engineering the Purpose of Institutions kinds of spread all over the Teaching portion of Who should be surprised how I got arrested, my work censored?

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