Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Schools Clone the Society

Resurrecting Knatz.com / Teaching / Society / NoHier / Deschool /

Reasons for Kleptocracy's Compulsory Schooling
(Reverse Engineering Society's Purpose for Education)

Society's Reproductive Organ

School's Purpose

To Clone Culture

(And Our Culture Is Kleptocratic)

Illich said it. I can't overemphasize it. School is society's reproductive organ. But it's a vegetative process — budding; not sexual reproduction : where different informations mix: to unpredictable results. The results of schools are highly predictable.

The school does not engage in education or learning: it dispenses it. The school isn't a communication system; it's a broadcasting system. It dispenses messages: it doesn't receive them.

What school does wonderfully well is propagate the kleptocracy's basic message to its new cells:
Submit: and you'll be allowed to live.
What Christmas tells children at high volume and on every channel for a month or so before the winter solstice, the school tells children in a never-flagging whisper five days a week for ever more of the children's year:
Submit to absurdity or you'll get at best a minimum share of the kleptocracy's loot.
That minority of children who seem to submit well, regurgitating what's poured into them without choking or carrying on, get a special formula of the message:
Submit to absurdity gladly, submit to it well, and you'll not just be on the dole of the loot, you'll participate in the doling.
Some few not only participate in the dole but get to live in the palace. Truly glad participants, ones who wouldn't dream of giving the game away, may even get to abuse living in the palace. Now that's real success, abusing your position: get blow jobs under the desk, get to bomb poor people in far away countries.

(I don't mean drop the bombs: some loser does that; I mean order the dropping: decide who lives and who dies: in numbers the most insane Caesar never dreamed of. Poor Muslims in Afghanistan don't get no loot. They don't get to live!)

If you still say that Santa brings the loot even after you've caught your parents wrapping the gift, you're well ready for school. If you can remember how to spell "principle" from "principal" because the head administrator of your school is your "princi-pal"; if you can still say that Christians follow Jesus, or that churches serve God, or that government serves the People, or that Democracy is by the People, or that ETS tests intelligence ... by the time you graduate, why then you're ready for ... a life time of ... more of the same.

My graduate school told me what English was; it never heard a thing I said about what English was. But then society in general has never heard a thing I've said back to it.

I would rather fail to live than to abase myself to absurdity.
(I do want to live: just get out of my way and let me do it.)
I also say
There really are great teachers: Ivan Illich, Bucky Fuller, Gregory Bateson, Jared Diamond ... You just don't listen to them
(or to pk, trying his best).

At Knatz.com my HTML controlled the appearance of the data; here, Google rewrites my HTML: drives me crazy.

2011 09 17 I won't bother to rewrite code since all will soon be movd to pKnatz blog: there I'll sweat the code.

Speaking of Cloning:

I wish I could stimulate everyone to see a book, movie, painting I recommend. If I could I'd "make" everyone see Tarkovsky's Solaris. Critic Roger Ebert noted one of the film's astonishing effects: at the end, it's raining. It's been raining throughout the film's scenes on earth. We recognize the house, we learned the house as Kelvin's father's house. It's raining inside the house!
Ah, but Ebert failed to mention: it is not earth, it is not Kelvin's father's house; Solaris has a sentient ocean, the ocean is assimilating ideas from the human cosmonauts. Now Solaris is cloning was it has impressions of. But the planet does not know what it's doing!

Are these clones harmless? Wait and find out; or fight to the death.

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