Thursday, November 17, 2005


A Michael Crichton character says, "Third world countries can leapfrog. They skip telephone lines and go right to cellular."
True. And so 1960s Ivan Illich.

I remember Illich saying that in the future developed countries would have to call on undeveloped countries for aid.
I remember Illich saying that Third World countries shouldn’t try any new drugs until the First World had had several decades in which to fail to kill themselves with them.
1970s Illich didn’t seem to go in so facilely for dramatic prophecy: safer, wiser in a way, but I still have a soft spot for futurist balderdash: much of which DOES come to pass.
Early on in his deschooling, like 1970, I remember Illich saying that children would have to discipline their parents.

Yes, yes.
That’s a cartoon of evolution. It’s 1984 though when the kids report dad and mom to the AUTHORITIES!

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